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Donate Page

Donate Page

Your most powerful revenue-generator is ready for purchase! This mobile-friendly and responsive Donate Page is designed to be quick and easy for users to donate. A skillfully strategized UX design ensures that donating will no longer be a frustrating task that often gets abandoned midway, translating to more donations.

The donate form integrates seamlessly with your existing ChabadOne site, whether in your Template 5 boxed layout or full width in your customized template. The sophisticated design is as attractive as it is functional and includes all the common options your donors need to donate: Credit Card, PayPal integration, links to other giving options (such as Bitcoin or Planned Giving), recurring donations and dedications.

NOTE: Planning on upgrading to ChabadOne's new Template 6? Buy today and it will integrate seamlessly when you upgrade your site.

Questions? Email us

This template is for installation on ChabadOne. For other platforms (WordPress, Squarespace etc) contact us for a custom quote

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